Monday, March 9, 2009

FRESH Perspective: Insensitive Homophobic Message by Prophet Todd Hall

On Sunday while I viewed videos of preaching, I came across one of the most homophobic messages I had every heard. The “Prophet” Todd Hall preached about God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Todd Hall goes on an eleven-minute ramble about homosexuality, while trying to make the argument that God destroyed the city because of the homosexuality that existed. Todd Hall preaches that “no good men” could be found, because they were all homosexuals.

What also disturb me were his rants blaming homosexuality or “no good men” as the premise for divorce, financial hardship, and AIDS. Here is a man, who pompously states he is a psychologist by vocation (I was not able to verify any information about his educational background) but admits that he must preach manipulation i.e. fear in order to control people. Throughout the message, he implies that gays are the Devil, gay men are not “real men”, and that homosexuality is disgusting.

However, he does promote premarital sex for gay men, stating that the men in Sodom were demons because Lot offered them his virgin daughters and refused. Todd Hall believes homosexuals are in the church because the church has allowed them in because they are positive having education, good jobs, and our gifted. Todd Hall ideology is similar to the view of the majority of Black Churches “don’t ask, don’t tell policy”. Todd Hall continuously spewed derogatory words such as “Sissy” and stated “If you had fifty preachers and thirty were sissies, you ain’t got no preachers you got a gay club”

This hateful messaged delivered by Todd Hall is why the Black Church continues to not properly educate young people about sexual responsibility because to them HIV/AIDS is a gay disease and this is resulting in epidemic of HIV/AIDS cases in the Black community because our children do not believe HIV/AIDS relates to them. This message is why so many of our homosexual youth struggle living double lives because their not allowed to live open and honest, due to the fear of going to hell because this is what their minister preaches. I wonder what would happen to anti-gay Black congregations if their homosexual members decided to stop coming to church.

The Black Church is an important aspect for many African Americans despite their sexual orientation, and it is time for the Black Church to affirm its homosexual brothers and sisters with the love of Christ.


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